EM Resources
David Veesler is Co-Director of the Arnold & Mabel Beckman Center for Cryo-Electron Microscopy (with Justin Kollman) at the University of Washington which houses state-of-the-art instruments including:
Krios + K3 + GIF.
Thermo-Fisher Titan Krios G3 equipped with a Gatan K3 Direct Detector & GIF energy filter.
Glacios + Gatan K3.
Thermo-Fisher Glacios equipped with a Gatan K3 direct detector.
Spirit + Ultrascan.
FEI Tecnai Spirit equipped with a Gatan Ultrascan 4000 4k x 4k CCD Camera
Morgagni + Orius.
FEI Morgagni equipped with a Gatan Orius CCD.
Computing Clusters.
Two computing clusters with a total of 648 processors, 13 graphics processing unit (GPU) servers and 1.8 PB of storage space.
A bunch downstairs & one in lab
sptlabtech Chameleon
Glow Dischargers.
Pelco downstiars, glow cube in the lab